Parent Meeting Materials:
Spring Sports Meeting - February 20, 2025 at 6PM in the FMS cafeteria
Spring Athletics SBC Applications Due - February 28, 2025
Spring P2P Fees Due - March 14, 2025
Interested in playing a sports?
Please review the individual sport pages for specific information. Each season, a parent and athlete must participate in a mandatory meeting and complete essential paperwork to be eligible. The athletic participation fee of $75 is due before student athletes will be permitted to participate in season activities. In addition, students must have an update physical, good for 1 year, on the Ohio High School Athletic Association forms.
Success Beyond the Classroom (SBC) Scholarships for Athletics and Marching Band
Does your child plan to play sports or participate in the marching band? There is scholarship money made available through the Success Beyond the Classroom Foundation (SBC) to assist in covering the Pay-to-Participate cost. SBC is a non-profit organization that raises funds to provide scholarships to qualified students in the district who wish to participate in athletics and/or their school marching band. SBC members believe that extra-curricular activities help students learn and practice the skills needed for success in all areas of life. To be considered for an SBC scholarship, students must submit and fully complete an application, which is available on the district and school websites. Administrators, Athletic Directors, and/or coaches at each building can help you locate the SBC application. Applications can also be found on the building and district websites. For more information and deadline dates please visit http://athletics.swcsd.us/SBC or you may contact the school Athletic Director.
Athletic Physicals
Physicals must extend through the entire season and may be obtained at your family doctor, CVS Minute Clinic (~$35), Walgreen's Care Clinic (~$35), The Little Clinic located in Kroger (~$29) or at district-sponsored physical nights (usually ~$10 at high school physical nights-first come, first served) . Check with your local urgent care center to see if they do sports physicals. Check the SWCSD Web site for other physical dates and locations during the summer months. Schedule your physical NOW to avoid the rush just prior to the athletic season.
You may also contact the Ronald McDonald Mobile Clinic for physical appointments.
Attention athletes and student spectators:
Any student NOT picked up from athletic events within 20 minutes will be banned from all future extra curricular events including sports, dances and music concerts. Rides home from these events must be arranged prior to the event.
Any athletes not picked up from athletic events within 20 minutes will be required to meet with athletic administrators and parents to clarify the expectations.
South-Western City Schools’ Policies - Middle School Eligibility
In addition to the OHSAA academic eligibility standards, to be eligible for the first grading period of each academic year, the student must have attained the minimum marking period average for the grade level for which they are currently enrolled during the last marking period of the preceding year. (Exception: 1st grading period of 7th grade is eligible under OHSAA guidelines.) Thereafter, they must attain the minimum marking period average for their grade level they are currently enrolled in to retain eligibility. Students in grades seven and eight must have attained a minimum marking period average of 1.8.
To be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics the first grading period of the ninth grade year, an eighth grade student must have been enrolled in school the immediately preceding grading period and received at least a 1.6 cumulative grade point average. Per OHSAA guidelines, a student enrolled in the first grading period after advancement from the eighth grade must have passed a minimum of five (5) of all subjects carried the preceding grading period in which the student was enrolled.
There is no probationary period for middle school athletes to use to maintain their athletic eligibility should they fall below the minimum marking period average for their grade level. To be eligible for the next grading period, the student must attain the minimum marking period average for his/her grade level.
All middle school students participating in sports and cheerleading are subject to these rules and regulations. There are no exemptions for students in special classes.