Electronics Policy 2024-2025
Electronics Policy FMS 2024-2025
“Electronic devices” for this policy include, cell phones, headphones/earbuds/airpods, hand-held games, and/or other devices which allow students to message others or access the internet for non-classroom purposes. School issued Chromebooks do NOT fall under “electronic devices” for the purpose of this policy.
Students are only allowed to use electronic devices during hall changes and lunch periods, and only in allowable areas (not restrooms or other private areas).
The tardy bell to any class is the signal to put all electronic devices away. Teachers are not required to remind or warn students about the electronic device policy.
All staff will be assigning After-School Detentions (4:00-5:00pm) for any student who is seen with an electronic device outside of lunch or hall change.
Students who consistently misuse electronic devices or who refuse to put them away will have the device confiscated and kept in the office. Then the student or parent will be required to pick the device at the end of the school day.
All students will be required to turn in their devices before leaving the classroom during instruction. This is to ensure devices are not in restrooms and other restricted areas.
Students who have multiple infractions of this policy may be required to turn in their electronic device at the start of each school day.